With the evolution of online systems, collection of data and our ever growing busy lives, many of us turn to the internet to gain greater knowledge and understanding in an ever increasing time poor lifestyle that we all lead. Information is essential and extremely powerful & necessary when making major financial decisions.
MyPropertiesValue was designed and setup in order to assist in your decision making process by providing you with detailed data, area statistics, recent sale and rental prices and suburb growth projections only reserved for real estate agents.
Just in the last decade alone, over 400,000 property owners and investors have used these online reports and suburb growth information and projections to make very important financial decisions for their future. Either to minimise a loss or for financial profits in property.
MyPropertiesValue was founded by long time property investors, like minded individuals from various professions such as the real estate industry, finance sectors, online media teams and many others in order to bring you unrestricted access to vital up to date and detailed information you otherwise would not get on any other sites online.