Here are some frequently asked questions. Should you have any questions that are not answered below, please contact us here.
MyPropertiesValue provides the following information to you:
Postcode Overview:
Recently Sold Properties:
Property Price Estimate:
MyPropertiesValue provides this service for free, giving you an up to date overview of your property and neighbourhood.
MyPropertiesValue provides you with a property report by collecting and sorting real estate information from a range of data sources. A local agent is also required to provide their expert local knowledge regarding specific home sales in your neighbourhood and an estimated property price.
Most local real estate agents have a thorough understanding of the dynamics of your particular marketplace. Experienced agents have a detailed knowledge of specific homes in your street and continually work with property buyers and sellers enabling them to provide a justifiable guide to property prices.
MyPropertiesValue collates real estate information specific to your home to provide you with a comprehensive view of your home and local area. This data is collected nationally from realestate.com.au, real estate agents and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
You will receive an email with a link to your online property report.